AD Films

Ad films serve as a powerful tool to validate marketers’ claims by evoking the right emotions and desired consumer behaviors. However, only a select few ad films truly achieve this, with most fading into obscurity prematurely. At Garvik India, we ensure none of our ad films meet such a fate.

We’ve witnessed the evolving landscape of advertising, which is now more complex than in previous decades. Adapting to fragmented mediums, distracted consumers, and shifting marketing objectives, we tailor our approach accordingly.

When crafting ad films, we begin by donning our marketer’s hat. In-depth product research and direct engagement with end-users yield valuable category insights.

However, not all insights are transformative; it takes meticulous analysis to identify the one compelling idea worth backing.
Once the big idea is established, our creative team explores multiple renditions to achieve the same objective.

We are focusing on the most effective and impactful approach.

Garvik India ad films establish an immediate connection with the audience, ensuring they remember them long after they’ve aired. At Pictures Unfold, we prioritize the product as the hero, ensuring the creative never overshadows it.

Our success lies in associating the product seamlessly with the creative. We maintain open communication with brand custodians, incorporating their input at every stage of production. Our films are deeply rooted in product narratives and brand insights, earning appreciation from all stakeholders.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the typical process for creating an ad film?
The process of creating an ad film usually involves several stages, including concept development, scriptwriting, pre-production planning, casting, shooting, editing, and post-production. It’s a collaborative effort that requires coordination among various professionals in the industry.
How long does it take to produce an ad film from concept to final delivery?
The timeline for producing an ad film can vary widely depending on factors such as the complexity of the concept, the length of the film, and the availability of resources. On average, it may take several weeks to a few months to complete an ad film project.
What is the importance of storytelling in ad films?
Storytelling is a crucial element in ad films because it helps create an emotional connection with the audience. A well-crafted story can make the brand message more relatable and memorable, leading to better engagement and brand recognition.
How can I measure the success of an ad film campaign?
The success of an ad film campaign can be measured through various metrics, including audience reach, engagement levels, brand awareness, and sales impact. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are established at the outset of the campaign to track its effectiveness and determine its return on investment (ROI).

Customer Research

We dive deep into data, extracting valuable insights and identifying lucrative opportunities for your business

User-friendly Build

Our team expertly designs and develops websites and apps that effectively solve user problems and enhance usability.

Scalable Models

We implement Continuous Delivery pipelines to enable fast iteration and ensure your projects can scale seamlessly.

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